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Frequently Asked Questions

Below is helpful information to address the most frequently asked questions about our organization. 

Team Rosters: Individual teams will be officially announced at as soon as they have been formed. The average roster size is 11-13 players and Ohio Tide is looking to field at least one team per each age group. Any teams that do not have a complete roster by October 1st, 2023 will be notified of the status of the roster.

Team Schedules: Game Schedules will be distributed in early March after the majority of league meetings have occurred for each of the teams. Most competitive play will begin in April and continue through July, which some minimal exceptions. 

When committing to playing for an Ohio Tide team, we ask that you agree to plan family vacations and other events for the second half of July or later. We always want to be at full strength when representing the Ohio Tide in end of season league play, and tournaments. If you feel like this is not possible for your family, realize that it tends to put the rest of your player's team at a disadvantage, and you should let us know ahead of time that you can not commit to the full season.

  • We strive to provide 3-4 local tournaments per team (depending on costs of each tournament) creating a comprehensive game schedule of around 25-30 totals games that are included in the 2024 registration price.
  • Ohio Tide does intend to have the 12U team participate in the annual Cooperstown Dreams Park tournament, which is decided with the team once the bid date is received in October. This tournament is outside of the annual registration and details are provided to the family with fundraising options.
  • We could also offer out of town tournaments, which will be outside of the registration costs.
  • For 12U teams & below, we expect families to commit to a regular season that runs from mid-April - early July. Possible playoffs can run through the middle of July. 
  • For 13U & above, we expect families to commit to a regular season that runs from mid-May - mid-July. Playoffs can run through the end of July. 

Team Coaching Staff:  Ohio Tide coaches are not volunteer parents, they are coaches with baseball experience. Every season, once a team hits a threshold of committed players, we match our coaches with each formed team. 

Training Overview: Ohio Tide does provide off-season training (included in the 2024 registration cost) during the months of November to February for 13 -18 year olds and January to April for players 12 and under (with some additional optional training in fall and winter).   Our players will have a variety of experienced coaches working with the teams . The teams will typically practice between 2-3 times per week primarily at Hawken School.  As an organization, we strongly support multi-sport athletes, and conflicts with fall or winter sports are not held against anyone. By the same token, we generally expect our players to make baseball a priority during baseball season, which generally runs from  April -July.

Non-Refundable Deposit:  If you were given an offer to join the Ohio Tide and you accept a roster spot, you will be expected to pay a non-refundable $300 deposit for new players within 72 hours of your acceptance. All deposits and registration will be completed online and this deposit will be credited towards your final fees.  Returning Ohio Tide players will have a different deposit that will be emailed with their offer. 

Parents Support:  You should expect a mandatory program-wide “Parents Meeting” in the fall that will have the flexibility to be in-person or remote, to outline what to expect for the upcoming season.  Our organization strives to offer organizational-wide communications through the off and regular seasons, along with team-specific communications from each team's coaching staff. We utilize our online Parent Portal and our team's Sports Engine Apps as primary forms of communication.  This allows you to communicate directly with our organization, your player's coaches, and other families on your player's team.

Fundraising:  The Ohio Tide organization will actively fundraise at a team by team decision for out-of-town tournaments only to help offset these additional costs. All other costs will be included in the 2024 registration.

Pricing: Our 2024 registration and fees can be found at  We do offer payment plans for each registration. 

Uniforms: Uniform costs will be included in the registration cost. Bats and cleats are typically not included in registration but will have options to purchase through our team connections.  We will have uniform fitting during the off-season to ensure the proper lead time and optimal fit for our players.  We work very closely with our uniform vendors to receive discounts on our team apparel and strive to pass these savings onto each player. You will also have an opportunity to purchase Tide gear at least twice a calendar year.